FREE Workshop:

How I Came Out as a Lesbian After Being Married to a Man

Emily Bettdur- Sexuality and Coming Out Life Coach

Are You a Woman Who...

  • Is married to a man, but have now realized that you're actually a lesbian?

  • Is scared to come out and embrace your true sexuality because you're afraid of hurting others or how others might react?

  • Is terrified of hurting your husband or breaking apart your family if you come out?

  • Is lacking confidence to be who you truly are and to start living authentically?

  • Feels alone on this journey and is seeking support, connection, and community with others who are also going through this?

If ANY of these apply to you, then join me inside this FREE Video Workshop!

In this FREE Video Workshop You'll Learn...

  • How I successfully and confidently went from being married to a man to:

    • Getting divorced

    • Coming out as a lesbian to my Catholic, conservative family

    • Marrying the woman of my dreams

    • And confidently living life as my authentic self

  • PLUS: The 2 key things you need to confidently come out and live life as YOUR authentic self!

  • AND: The next steps you can take on your own journey

About Emily

Hi! My name is Emily Bettdur, and I'm a "late life lesbian."
I was married to a man for 11 years, had a son with him, but ultimately ended up getting divorced, coming out as a lesbian, and am now married to the woman of my dreams!

Shortly after I came out in 2018, I started sharing my story and journey of coming to terms with my sexuality, healing from my divorce, my experiences in the LGBTQ+ community, and my dating journey that ultimately led me to my wife.

I now use everything I've learned on my journey of coming out as a late life lesbian and living life as my authentic self to help other women successfully navigate their own journeys of discovering their true sexuality later in life!

My Wife and Me on Our Wedding Day!!

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© 2023 The Late Life Lesbian